I was just thinking this morning, it's amazing how society wants us to believe what they want us to believe. It's to the point, if you really want to find the real truth you have to literally research the research you are researching. (Now let that sink in for a minute...)
Yep, did you catch that, I think that is well worth repeating, Let me say that again, but this time a little slower. In order to find the REAL truth, you must literally RESEARCH, the RESEARCH you are RESEARCHING!!! Why? Well, I'm glad you asked. The reason is quite simple. Let the truth be told, no pun intended, everyone is sharing their own truths; their own opinions, so I guess when you research, you have to figure out which truth you shall believe. Usually, we tend to gravitate to anything that supports our belief system. We have to come to an understanding that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth comes from no research, no one's opinions and not even one's very own belief system, but it comes from the Lord and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can't lead and guide us into all truth if we are depending on external and/or internal factors. God is truth and the Holy Spirit leads and guides you into all truth. We also must remember and never forget that even in our research to find truth, we must take the truth with us which is the Holy Spirit. He will give us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to know what is real, what is fake, what is true and what is false. No longer can we just take someone word for being the bonafide truth just because we value their opinion and/or their position and title. We need to make sure that the truth goes with us doing always no matter what.
Accuracy and Truth are totally different. Accuracy is the What and How, but Truth is the Why...Only God knows the why and the intent of the 💓...
P.S. Your Life is a Process; Embrace it, Love it, Trust it...Now Be You and Keep it "Movin"
Yours Truly,