Thursday, May 29, 2014

YES or NO: How to Avoid Bad Relationships

Bad Relationships
Tired of spinning your wheels and wasting your time with unhealthy relationships: degrading relationships, high maintenance relationships, controlling relationships, fake relationships, abusive(physically, mentally, emotionally and even verbally) relationships, that it's driving you completely insane? There's always drama, jealousy and unnecessary foolishness. Nothing you do or say seems to be satisfactory. They're self-centered and self-absorb. It's their way or the highway. They are ALWAYS right and you are ALWAYS wrong. My God, What gives!!! They are judgmental and have something to say about everything and everybody, and never look at themselves in the mirror. But, yet you find yourself constantly getting connected to those very same people you vowed to avoid.
In the beginning, It seemed like it was God-sent. Everyone got along perfectly. Finally, you exhale. At last, you have found a real genuine relationship. You were starting to believe that genuine relationships no longer exist...But, only TIME will time...

You are still a little skeptical because you have opened up so many times before, giving people the benefit of the doubt, and as a result you get your feelings hurt, talked about, disrespected, rumors spreaded about you that's not true..
They smile in your face, All the time they want to take your place, The back stabbers, Back stabbers!!! Preach, O'JAYS, PREACH!!!!

Insert: (At least if they're going to spread something, just make sure it's the truth, and spread it smoothly, that's all I ask, my goodness). 

Whoever made up this saying: 
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,," Lied, Lied, Lied...Let the truth be told, this only applies to those who are dead and gone, and sleeping in their grave.. We can fake it all day but the truth still stands...Words Can Be Painful.
Ok, enough of that. On to the next type of relationship.
Intimate Relationships:
Ok, here we are approached by the opposite sex and they expressed interest. You are flattered. Your self-esteem just escalated to an all time high.. You are cheesing from ear to ear. You even think you just maybe interested too, especially, if you've been waiting forever and a day. This is really looking promising right about now. I am getting old., you say to yourself. I haven't been in a serious relationship for years. Maybe this IS God. Maybe God has finally sent my mate. Oh WOW!!!THANK YOU LORD!!! It's about time.

Hold up, Wait a minute,, let me put some sense in it,, (I'm sorry I went wayyyy back, it was just too tempting, I couldn't resist)...don't mine me, anyway, moving

Hold on, Slow your roll. Let's just pump the breaks for a second. Don't just dive into another unhealthy and unpromising relationship head first, especially not out of desperation. You don't want to go down that same road again, wasting your energy, time and emotions on someone who's not apart of your future, Do you? Yea, I didn't think so. I totally understand. Been there, done that too.

So, how can we be so sure this time isn't like the other times? How can we avoid bad, unhealthy relationships and the drama that comes with it? How do we know if it's God or not? When to say YES or NO to a relationship? Well,glad you asked:

Say "YES" when:
  • It lines up with the Word of God
  • You have prayed and acknowledged God
  • You received a confirmation from GOD
  • It's done decent and in order
  • You are at peace in your spirit
  • There's no confusion
  • You have thoroughly thought out the consequences
  • You have sought godly counsel
  • Boundaries are established
  • There's accountability
  • It's Spirit lead and NOT flesh lead
Say "NO" when:
  • It's contrary to the Word
  • You have prayed and no answer or confirmation
  • You're being controlled/manipulated/intimidated/disrespected
  • There is an uneasiness
  • You're being pressured, rushed, used, unsure and ashamed
  • It's an unrealistic offer
  • You feel condemned, convicted, and guilty
  • You can't be yourself
  • You haven't sought godly counsel
  • Your desires become priority over God's desires
  • Your need for a mate is greater than your need for God
  • There is flesh and sexual immorality involved 
  • There is confusion and drama
  • It's on the down low
So, these are some ways that should help you avoid bad relationships. God will always give you an answer, warnings and confirmations. There are always tell, tell signs but sometimes we choose to ignore them, because it's what we want.  

Just open your spiritual eyes and discern before connecting. Trust the voice of God. He will never lead you wrong.

Remember some people come into our life for a reason, a season, or a life time. Don't turn seasonal relationship into permanent ones, you will regret it.

If this helped a little or if you can relate to any of these relationships, please spread the love and share on your social media links below...

Who Are You?
You are spiritually mature to discern a  bad relationship. You are strong and wise enough to know when to say YES or NO.

Have a Bless and Purposeful Day,
TPL 😘😘 😘

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Waiting On Your Husband? Whoever, said it was easy, LIED!!!

At age 24, When God delivered and saved me, I made it up in my mind that I was not going back and I meant it. I realized that I wanted better out of life and I wasn’t going to let a man or anything else for that matter deprive me of what’s rightfully mine. I wanted peace, joy, and a sound mind. I wanted someone who was going to love me for me, unconditionally, with all my imperfections and flaws. I was getting too old and mature for the same ole, same ole, immature games. It was time to grow up, "Let Go and Let God" and that's exactly what I did.

I was abstinent for 10 years before God sent my husband. Yes, close your mouth, you heard right, 10 whole, long years. I can’t believe it myself some times. Was it easy? Heck nah, Absolutely not, whoever said it was easy LIED and the truth ain't in them, yes I said AIN"T, because that's how I feel it, but I can admit one thing, it was easier with God. Of course, I went through withdrawals. Who doesn't?  There were times I wanted a man’s affection, and times I didn’t. Times when I got discouraged and weak and times when I was strong. Times when I wanted to give up and throw in the towel and times when I pressed my way. Times when I felt all alone and no one understood my pain and times when I knew God will never leave me nor forsake me. I played the victim role, woe is me and wanted a pity party and there were times when I got up and brushed myself off. You can call it bipolar, or whatever, this thing was real.

I’m telling you it was not easy and it’s even harder when you have already had a taste. If you know what I mean. See, that’s why sex was made for marriage, because you can’t miss something you never had, therefore, a sista was missing it big time, don't get it twisted. But, Joshua Harris, the author of "I kissed dating goodbye" said it best,

"A good thing at the wrong time is wrong thing" 

And I was determined not to sell myself short and settle for less than God’s best for me anymore.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

This wasn't just a clichΓ©' or just another memory verse anymore, because there were times when this flesh got weak but I thank God my spirit was willing not to give into the temptations. You notice I said temptations? Yes, temptations will come, I'm sure you already know... In my case, they were fine, built just like I like'em, smelled good and said all the right words, a sista was like please Lord give me strength...and I went running.

I was like RUN FOREST RUN!!! I wasn't even trying to entertain the devil, despite how tempting it was. But, honestly, no lie, there were times I really did wish that some of them were the one... knowing good and well that was nothing but flesh all the way. But, you can't punish a girl for wishing. Don't judge me. I'm just saying, the brother was fine, that's all...Anyway, moving on...

Beautiful, listen to me and listen closely. It is ok, to feel the way you feel. It's not a sin. It's not crime. It's normal. We all get lonely, impatient, frustrated, irritated, and aggravated at times. We all want that affection and to feel special. We all have even asked that proverbial question: WHEN LORD, WHEN!!! Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride. Well, in my case, always a hostess or dancer and never a bride.

God knows how you feel, just be open and honest with him. Tell God the butt naked truth(literally if you have too). He understands. He will not judge or condemn you. He wants to help you through this waiting process. LET HIM. He knows how much you can handle and how long you can wait. Remember the post about GOOD, Better, BEST? The BEST takes time. It requires more...If you didn't read it yet, please click below and you will see what's required to wait on the BEST and why..

True Story: I remember, and this is no lie, I remember one day feeling really, really, hot and bothered and I thought I was going to go crazy. I thought my precious jewels were going to jump out of my pants. You might be laughing, but I am so serious. I started screaming at the top of my lungs with my arms raised and this is what I said, ready for this? I shouted, LORD, PLEASE, I AM SO HORNY, PLEASE HELP A SISTA OUT. I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!!! and in seconds, the heat was gone. I promise, I am not lying. It was literally seconds... So, I said that to say, sometimes desperate times, calls for desperate measures when you want nothing but the Best. Yes, people may call you crazy, or discredit your feelings but don't listen to the naysayers. Be true to yourself and God.

So, what steps did I take to stay sane during this time of waiting?

Well, First, I upped my prayer life, connected and surrounded myself with people who was strong in the faith to keep me accountable, I went out with friends and enjoyed myself. I avoided certain music, movies and TV shows, that only fed the flesh. I served faithfully in ministry, fellowshipped with the saints, praised and worshipped God like crazy and to top it off, I was eating and drinking the Word.  

I studied scriptures that targeted self worth and values. I read that I am a child of THE King, therefore, I am chosen, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a woman belonging to God.., and I was urged to abstain from sinful desires. (1 Peter 2:9,11). I also read that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, (Psalm 139:14). I had to take my medicine daily. I even had to up the dosage during those hard withdrawal times, especially the times when I thought about how good "IT" felt, but it was just that, A THOUGHT! I had to constantly remind myself, with every fleshly act comes severe consequences and it wasn't worth it. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, shoes, jeans, earrings and necklace...Nope, that life for me was finally over.

These steps were critical for me throughout this process of waiting. I stayed busy. No idleness for me. This kept me from going back, kept me focused and strong.

I don't want to sound preachy, but it's the truth and it worked. Like I said, it kept me for 10 years and I know if you are serious about waiting for your BOAZ, and not settling and wasting you time, energy and emotions, it will work for you too. Desperate times, calls for desperate measures. I'm not telling you what I heard, I'm telling you what I know through my own personal experiences.

Hang in there beautiful. He is closer than you think. Stay encouraged. He is on the way...You are both being prepared for each other. Stay Faithful, committed and remember, No cheating on your husband, please;)

Who Are You?

A beautiful lady in waiting. A royal priesthood. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and a honest woman.

Want to know If he is the one?
How to know if the relationship you are in is God or not? Stay tune for the next post...

Blessed, encouraged and enjoyed the transparency of the author? Tell the world by sharing this post on Facebook, Google+, via email etc... I made it easy for you. Just click below where you see the appropriate links,,, Rise to the challenge and let your friends and family in on it.

Oh, and don't forget to comment below. I want to hear your thoughts.

Have a Blessed and Purposeful Day,

TPL 😘😘 😘

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Single Ladies, Are you cheating on your husband? PART 2

We live in a modern society where everything is based on convenience, quick, fast and in a hurry. We have instant everything these days; fast food, microwaves, instant messages, high speed Internet, express packaging, etc... Technology has taking us into a world of easy access that makes waiting almost impossible. We can even pay for speedy delivery. Go figure...We would rather pay a hefty price for convenience instead on waiting for the BEST!!! We have paid the price of entering into bad "SHIPS" Relationships, Business partnerships, Friendships and Fellowships.

That's why God has a strategic reasons why He requires us to wait patiently on Him:
  1. To Strengthen us
  2. To Prepare us
  3. To Equip us
  4. To Develop
  5. To Mature us
  6. To Bless us and ultimately, to Glorify Him...
So, whatever that thing/person is that we've put priority in our life other than God, understand it or he/she will never fill that void-that longing or desire. Temporary fixes can leave permanent damage and scars. Don't make a fleshly decision based on lustful desires and then want God to bless it. Only God can totally and completely satisfy our cravings to be loved and accepted unconditionally.
Nothing or no one can compare. Nothing or no one can satisfy like He can. He is the only one who can meet our every need; emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, etc...

Only God can filled our void of emptiness and loneliness. Therefore, we must learn to be content with our heavenly husband. He will keep us, comfort us and show us what true intimacy is;the intimacy without the guilt.

Remember, our heavenly husband knows us, yet He created us inside out. He knows our likes and dislikes; what turns us on and what turns us off; He touches us where we hurt; He catches our every tear before they fall; He holds us every so tightly; He soothes and keep us calm with his warm embrace; He keeps us safe from harm; He encamps His angels around us to fight our battles; He sees our total nakedness and loves unconditionally without judgment. Now, That's TRUE INTIMACY!!! Oh my goodness,,, who can resent this kind of intimacy.. only a fool!!!
Salt N Pepa said it best: What a man, What a man, What a man, What a mighty good man, yes HE IS....

He is our first love, our first husband, our first everything, Why Cheat On Him? He deserves and desires much more from THE wife. We need to ask ourselves, how would it feel if we were cheated on by someone we loved so deeply, someone we gave something very precious and dear too, unfortunately, some of us already know the answer to that, because we too, have been cheated on once or twice in our life and it crushed us. Therefore, how do you think your Maker feels when we cheat on Him? Let's not be a cheater, but delight in THE husband and watch Him give us everything we desire, including "A" husband according to His will.  He doesn't even want us to cheat on Him with a husband, Play with it...

If we can be Faithful, Committed, Submissive, Loving, etc...towards our first husband, He can entrust us to continue being that wife to Him even after He sends our earthly husband without putting him before our Creator... Like I said before, He is a jealous Husband...
So, what can we take away from this long drawn out post... it's very simple!!!
He who finds "A" WIFE, finds a good thing and finds favor from the Lord... 
Then, wouldn't it behoove us to be a WIFE already? I don't recall it saying: He who finds a girlfriend, a booty call, a one night stand, a ho, a mistress, etc... It clearly says, He who finds a WIFE, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22)
(Spiritually)You don't become a wife when you marry per se, in God's eyes you are already "THE" Wife, selah...
You are a good thing that will cause your Husband to obtain favor from the Lord. You go girl!!! Do your THANG!!! You are the best wife your husband will ever find... Now, walk in it already!!!

P.S. If you are reading this and missed Part 1, you may click here to read...

Have a blessed and purposeful Day,


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Single Ladies, Are you cheating on your husband?Part 1

Question: How many of you singles are married?

If you answered "no" dah, then you are highly mistaken. I am here to inform you that you are indeed already married. Oh, no, you don't believe me? Ok, well maybe you will believe this:

For your Maker is your husband-- the LORD Almighty is his name-- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. Isaiah 54:5(NIV)

So, let me ask you again. Singles, Are you married? If you answered "yes" of course,  you have answered correctly. I knew I couldn't convince you but it's something about the power of His

Now that you know the truth about your single status, I want to also inform you that your husband is a jealous husband. He wants you all to himself. He wants to be your everything, but too many times we are seeking our earthly husband and neglect our first love. But, we must remember and learn to be THE wife to our heavenly husband before we can be "A" wife to a earthly husband.(selah)

Being "THE" wife, while waiting to be "A" wife is extremely essential.   

Question #2: How many of us really want God's will to be done in our life? Honestly...

Now what if His will for you is NOT to be married, how hard would that be to except? Yea, I know, EXTREMELY hard for so many. But, yet we pray all the time, "Lord, not my will, but your will be done." What we really mean is, "As long as it's according to my will" if we are really honest with ourselves.  I said all of that to say, First, we must learn to be content with our heavenly husband, and be THE wife He has created us to be to Him before He can entrust us with a earthly husband that He has created for us. Our first lesson of intimacy comes from our first husband.

 If the desire for a man is stronger than the desire for the Creator, we are not ready for the man that God has in store for us. Every good and perfect gift comes from God, James 1:17.

 Are you cheating on your husband? If we are not faithful, committed and submissive to our First Husband, how can He trust us with the promise. He will not be in competition with anyone.

 "We cheat on "THE" Husband and yet expect Him to bless us with "A" husband.(Selah)..
No matter how hard we try we will never be able to fill the void that only God has divinely designed. God purposefully created that void so we can solely depend, and forever be drawn closer to Him. This void only He can fill. We can do all the sexing, sexting, dating, smoking, drinking, eating, etc, and we realize these things will never Ever, Ever, EVER, fill this void that was created by God Himself.  And, even when God blesses us with an earthly husband, there will always be a place that was designed for only God to satisfy, because even a man won't be able to meet our need. They were not designed to meet our every need anyway, only God can satisfy our every need.
God blesses us not to wing us off of Him but to draw us closer to Him.

Plenty of times we boldly say "God said"  when in reality God didn't say anything. Our lustful desires said it and God had nothing to do with it at all. Then we have to re-track and realize maybe this wasn't God, maybe this was me. Thank God we can go into reverse and get it right by repenting.
Disclosure: Now, this is only for the honest people. For those who never experienced this, God bless you. But that's not my testimony.
Therefore, we have to be careful when we profess that God blessed us when we are clearly walking in disobedience and  miserable all at the same time.
That's not a blessing that's a "fleshing"...Yes, I created that word, but it works. So, just roll with me..ok,smile.
"The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it." Prov 10:22,


  • Blessings:  Being Spirit Lead/Lines up with the Word of God---Leads to Prosperity, Joy, Peace, etc
  •  Fleshings:  Being Flesh lead/Manipulating our own deliverance/"blessings"---Leads to      Miseries, Sorrows and Consequences
 "Walk in the spirit and we shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh".. Galatians 5:16-17
Food for thought
Spirit= Isaac
When we pray, do we wait patiently on Him? Or do we manipulate our own deliverance; our own so-called 'blessing?"

God wants nothing but the best for our life. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need and what we can handle. Believe it or not, it's the truth anyhow. No matter how you slice it. His love for us is always fresh and He wants us to be able to handle the blessings properly so that He can get the glory.
It's when we THINK we're ready, is when we ARE NOT...
Often times, to choose between Good and Bad is easy, but to choose between Good, Better, Best is difficult so we settle for less than God's best for our life because the BEST requires more:
  • More waiting; More sacrificing; More strength; More self-control/discipline; More faith and More trust.

To be Continued...I didn't realize how long this blog was..My God...

Who Are You?
You are THE wife God has created you to be NOW and waiting patiently to Be A wife to the man God has tailor made just for you...
Have a Blessed and Purposeful Day,

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Misery Loves Company...Oh Really?

We've heard the expression, "Misery Loves Company" but honestly, "Misery" is totally incapable of loving anything. Misery can't even love itself, let alone company. Yesterday I was just minding my own business, doing what I do by the grace of God.  I was excited, happy and full of energy. Just having  a good ole time. And low and behold, who walks in, Yep, you are right, "Misery." I want to know who in the world invited this wretchedness? Can someone please tell me who sent this rude, disrespectful, selfish, obnoxious, disturbance an invitation? Oh, that's right, "Misery" don't need an invitation. It will just show up just for the heck of it. Why Misery just won't leave us alone? Because it doesn't have the capability. "Misery" will always find a wrong in every right;  a negative in every positive; a curse in every blessing;  a bad in every good.  
(Like Michael Jackson said, Just leave me aloneeeeeeeee)

What was really hard was trying to keep my composure and not stoop to "Misery" level.  If you are not careful "Misery" will take you there. It will get you all out of character. But the God in me, restraint me and that was the only thing that stopped me from going slap off. It's funny, because after the fact, you start rehearsing it over and over in your head and thinking about the 'Da's," What you could "Da", would "Da", should "Da" did or said.... but, yet we have to represent properly because bystanders are watching to see how we react and how we handle the situation, "CHILD of GOD".  

"Misery" is  a poison and its job is to kill our: Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, Positivity, Goodness and the list goes on....

And our job is to combat it with MORE: LOVE, PEACE,JOY,HAPPINESS,POSITIVITY and GOODNESS.

"Misery" hates seeing others happy and joyful. "Misery" wants to see people "PRESSED" (Depressed, Oppressed ,Repressed etc...) "Misery" thrives on making everyone else miserable too. But, we must not give into the temptation. We must protect our anointing and spirit from contamination from this sought of poison.

Don't give it the satisfaction or power. We can't allow Misery to bring us down. We can't let it kill our joy, steal our peace or destroy our spirit. We must not give our power over to Misery, but learn how to activate the power that resides within us, and drive Misery OUT!!!! Out of our company, Out of our circle, Out of our house, Out of our job, Out of our church, Out of our life, even Out of our children. We have the power, it's called LOVE the MISERY out of them...  1 Thessalonians 5:15

The reason I am addressing "Misery" as an "IT" is because IT IS!!! Misery is not a person. It's a spirit. An emotional , demonic spirit. Unfortunately, it  uses people to manifest itself. Misery  uses those who have opened themselves up for this type of spirit to live and carry out its duties. Misery is always miserable  and constantly looking for conflict and other miserable people to share in the misery. Sad, but true.  So next time Misery decides to crash your party,, Love the Misery right out of there. Misery can't dwell too long where there is love, peace, happiness and joy. Either it will draw it or drive it. LOVE never fails.
WHO ARE YOU? You are lovable, peaceful, joyful, happy, positive and full of goodness, WHY? Because...You are Divinely Designed by God Himself...

Have a blessed and purposeful Day


DBD, AKA, DivineByDesign

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ladies, If you were a "Real Man" which perfume would you want to marry?

WARNING: This Post is Really Long But Worth it!!! Enjoy.

I know you're probably looking at the title and saying, What- The-What, is she talking about. But, do me a favor, please don't try to figure it out, just roll with me, ok? I got you.
I think it's safe to say that the majority of us have experienced going to major department stores and visiting the perfume section, ummm, let's say stores like Belk, Dillard's, Macy's, etc...Now, if you notice, there are two sections. First, you have the section for the testers, which is conveniently located out front for all to see, touch and sample. But keep in mind, we are not the only ones doing all the seeing, touching and sampling. Trust, there are plenty more. These certain perfumes are also labeled, "TESTERS" or "NOT FOR RESALE!" The store wants to make sure shoppers are clear that these are the ones that are FREE and ready to be sampled at any time, so help yourselves.
After we have spent time sampling all of the perfumes, we have finally found the one we favor the most out of the bunch. Now, it's time to purchase and take it home! Yesssss....So, we inform the sales rep on which perfume we want and of course she is excited, can you say COMMISSION! Anyway, she eagerly heads over to the perfume of choice, and picks up the one labeled TESTER. She turns and says "that will be $150.00 please. How would you like to pay?" ERRRRRR(car squealing to a sudden halt in your head) "Excuse me, WHAT!!! Lady, you got to be kidding or you just bumped your head." The sales rep looks with a blank stare that lasted for about a second or so and then suddenly she bursts out laughing, "I'm just joking," she says. Oh ok, now our heart is back in our chest, we can now pick our lips off the floor, and roll our eyes back where they belong. She got jokes..
She precedes to head to the other section of the perfumes, which is located behind the counter, stored in the see through glass cabinet wrapped beautifully in an unopened box. These are the perfumes that have not been touched, tampered or sampled with by anyone. They are carefully kept and locked up in a very special place. The sales rep then takes her keys, unlocks the cabinet, reaches in carefully, grabs the precious gift and presents it to us. We then purchase "THAT" perfume and off we go, happy and satisfied.  
Ok Ladies, now that I have your attention, do me  a favor. Pretend you're a "REAL MAN." I know we all have our own definition of what a "REAL MAN" is but for the sake of this particular post, It's ok to use your own definition. Although, that would be a great future topic,
What is a "REAL MAN?" (Coming soon to a blog near you), smile.
Now that we have mentally turned ourselves into men, let's keep it moving, shall we?
Pretending you are a real man, go further and pretend that the perfumes represented a type of lady. Now, which one would you prefer to marry and take home, the one that has been tested and sampled by many, or the one that was kept, untouched and beautifully wrapped? Personally, I would choose the latter one. Why? Glad you asked.
The reason the testers are not for sale is because once perfume has been opened and used, it then loses it's value. Therefore, why would I pay for something that has lost it's value?  Why would I pay for something that others have had too? Nasty!!!
Guest what? I was once a tester myself. I didn't know my value or worth. I was seeking love, acceptance and approval from guys, even if it was a lie. I was vulnerable and in denial. I gave myself to samplers(guys who were not my husband). I made it convenient and easy because I didn't know who I was, let alone whose I was. I thank God He took this perfume called Marchelle and restored, replenished, and delivered her back to her rightful place in Him.
That special place where He is the only one with the key.
That place behind the see through glass cabinet, located in the heart and hands of the Father.
That place where He cleansed and delivered.
That place where He restored my value and opened my eyes to see it too.
That place where He renew my mind and kept me for 10years until He presented me to the man he predestined for me, my husband.
For 10years, because of the Father, I was able to remain untouched, unopened and beautifully wrapped. We married and off we went, happy and satisfied.

No matter our state. God can restore, replenish and deliver us. He can restore our value and worth and deliver us back to our rightful place in Him. I am not telling you what I heard, I'm telling you what I know. I have experienced it first hand.
You are valuable and priceless. You can't be bought. You are not for re-sale. You have already been bought with a price on the Cross. Only the Master has the key to unlock the cabinet to present you to the man He intends for you to marry. Wait patiently behind the see through glass and he will keep you safe and untouched.
So, trust me when I say, we don't have to be testers. We must see ourselves the way He sees us. If not, we will remain perfumes, being tested and sampled by every Tom, Dick and Harry.
You are valued, valuable and priceless in the eyes of our maker. Today, I challenge you to see and believe the same thing. You are Divinely Designed by God himself.
Now, go live like it with your perfume smelling self, smile. 
Have a blessed and purposeful day,
 Romans 12:1-2
We must present our bodies, a living sacrifice holy, acceptable, unto to God which is our reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Who Are You?

If I was to ask the question, Who are you, majority would probably answer by telling me your name. But unfortunately that's not who you are.  That's just a name/label  that was given to you at birth. Your name doesn't define Who You Are. So, now that we got that out of the way, let me ask you again, Who are you? Have you figured it out yet, well, let me help those who maybe still wondering exactly what I am talking about.

 Let me first tell you "Who I am" and maybe you will get a better understanding where I am going with all of this mobo jumbo stuff.

  • Who am I? I am a Child of the King. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Who am I? I am created for greatness. I am unique and designed on purpose for a purpose. I am a masterpiece made by the Creator.
  • Who am I? I am the apple of His eyes. I am the original design and not a carbon copy or a fake.
  • Who am I?  I am Divinely Designed by God himself.

I can go on and on but I believe you get the point. Until we really know who we are, we will continue living a unfulfilled life, lacking the abundance and joy intended for us to live. We will continue to allow the things of this world to beat us down and defeat us. We were all born on purpose for a purpose. Don't live beneath it all. You were created to live above it all. We are a KK, a King's Kid. We are royalty. We have the victory and it's time to act and live like it. It's time out for just talking about it. We must be about it.

So today, if you don't know who you are, I challenge you to take a step back, reevaluate you, your life and your relationship with the creator so that you can come into your own and live on purpose for the purpose God intended.

P.S.  Who Are YOU?
You are beautiful. You are victorious. You are Divinely Designed by God himself.

Have a blessed and purposeful Day
