Friday, May 2, 2014

Who Are You?

If I was to ask the question, Who are you, majority would probably answer by telling me your name. But unfortunately that's not who you are.  That's just a name/label  that was given to you at birth. Your name doesn't define Who You Are. So, now that we got that out of the way, let me ask you again, Who are you? Have you figured it out yet, well, let me help those who maybe still wondering exactly what I am talking about.

 Let me first tell you "Who I am" and maybe you will get a better understanding where I am going with all of this mobo jumbo stuff.

  • Who am I? I am a Child of the King. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Who am I? I am created for greatness. I am unique and designed on purpose for a purpose. I am a masterpiece made by the Creator.
  • Who am I? I am the apple of His eyes. I am the original design and not a carbon copy or a fake.
  • Who am I?  I am Divinely Designed by God himself.

I can go on and on but I believe you get the point. Until we really know who we are, we will continue living a unfulfilled life, lacking the abundance and joy intended for us to live. We will continue to allow the things of this world to beat us down and defeat us. We were all born on purpose for a purpose. Don't live beneath it all. You were created to live above it all. We are a KK, a King's Kid. We are royalty. We have the victory and it's time to act and live like it. It's time out for just talking about it. We must be about it.

So today, if you don't know who you are, I challenge you to take a step back, reevaluate you, your life and your relationship with the creator so that you can come into your own and live on purpose for the purpose God intended.

P.S.  Who Are YOU?
You are beautiful. You are victorious. You are Divinely Designed by God himself.

Have a blessed and purposeful Day



  1. Thanks for speaking the truth reminding us to see ourselves as God does.

    1. You are quite welcome beautiful. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Please share. Love you sis.

  2. Thanks for the reminder; I am who God says I am. Situations, circumstances, and people will not dictate my worth. I needed this. Marchelle, please continue to let God use you.

    1. Thank you beautiful. It's not easy but it's easier when God is in control. Thank you for your encouragement.

  3. You are such an amazing sister in Christ! Thank you for obeying God at such a time as now because the topic of your blog has been a conversation piece in various settings that I've been in lately. You have my vote (support) ...Lol.

    Dr. N. Doctor

    1. Thank you hun for the encouragement and support.

  4. I LOVE IT MY SISTER QUEEN!! What an amazing way to start this new journey God has called you to by establishing a FIRM foundation of "WHO WE ARE", because without it we will not be able to move forward without life's winds knocking us back. Keep allowing God to use you.

    1. Wow, thank you sis. You are amazing. It's not easy especially when you don't have a clue what you're doing. GOD is funny like that.

  5. Please Share with other ladies..We all need encouragement

  6. Mighty words Mrs. Smith. You've pose a question that I was not prepared to answer - till now. It took some thought and it challenged me to think - Who Am I. I like you I am a child of God, I'm a Proverbs 31 wife, I'm a Proverbs 22:6 parent, I am a daughter, sister, aunt and friend...I am a beautiful image of Gods love for me. I am happy and prospering daily through God's grace and mercy. Thank you Marchelle your blog it's wonderfully made just like you my sister.

    1. Awwwww wow, thank you beautiful. Yes, you answered correctly. ..
