WARNING: This Post is Really Long But Worth it!!! Enjoy.
I know you're probably looking at the title and saying, What- The-What, is she talking about. But, do me a favor, please don't try to figure it out, just roll with me, ok? I got you.
I think it's safe to say that the majority of us have experienced going to major department stores and visiting the perfume section, ummm, let's say stores like Belk, Dillard's, Macy's, etc...Now, if you notice, there are two sections. First, you have the section for the testers, which is conveniently located out front for all to see, touch and sample. But keep in mind, we are not the only ones doing all the seeing, touching and sampling. Trust, there are plenty more. These certain perfumes are also labeled, "TESTERS" or "NOT FOR RESALE!" The store wants to make sure shoppers are clear that these are the ones that are FREE and ready to be sampled at any time, so help yourselves.
After we have spent time sampling all of the perfumes, we have finally found the one we favor the most out of the bunch. Now, it's time to purchase and take it home! Yesssss....So, we inform the sales rep on which perfume we want and of course she is excited, can you say COMMISSION! Anyway, she eagerly heads over to the perfume of choice, and picks up the one labeled TESTER. She turns and says "that will be $150.00 please. How would you like to pay?" ERRRRRR(car squealing to a sudden halt in your head) "Excuse me, WHAT!!! Lady, you got to be kidding or you just bumped your head." The sales rep looks with a blank stare that lasted for about a second or so and then suddenly she bursts out laughing, "I'm just joking," she says. Oh ok, now our heart is back in our chest, we can now pick our lips off the floor, and roll our eyes back where they belong. She got jokes..
precedes to head to the other section of the perfumes, which is located behind the counter, stored in the see through glass cabinet wrapped beautifully in an unopened box. These are the perfumes that have not been touched, tampered or sampled with by anyone. They are carefully kept and locked up in a very special place. The sales rep then takes her keys, unlocks the cabinet, reaches in carefully, grabs the precious gift and presents it to us. We then purchase "THAT" perfume and off we go, happy and satisfied.
Ok Ladies, now that I have your attention, do me a favor. Pretend you're a "REAL MAN." I know we all have our own definition of what a "REAL MAN" is but for the sake of this particular post, It's ok to use your own definition. Although, that would be a great future topic,
What is a "REAL MAN?" (Coming soon to a blog near you), smile.
Now that we have mentally turned ourselves into men, let's keep it moving, shall we?
Pretending you are a real man, go further and pretend that the perfumes represented a type of lady. Now, which one would you prefer to marry and take home, the one that has been tested and sampled by many, or the one that was kept, untouched and beautifully wrapped? Personally, I would choose the latter one. Why? Glad you asked.
The reason the testers are not for sale is because once perfume has been opened and used, it then loses it's value. Therefore, why would I pay for something that has lost it's value? Why would I pay for something that others have had too? Nasty!!!
Guest what? I was once a tester myself. I didn't know my value or worth. I was seeking love, acceptance and approval from guys, even if it was a lie. I was vulnerable and in denial. I gave myself to samplers(guys who were not my husband). I made it convenient and easy because I didn't know who I was, let alone whose I was. I thank God He took this perfume called Marchelle and restored, replenished, and delivered her back to her rightful place in Him.
That special place where He is the only one with the key.
That place behind the see through glass cabinet, located in the heart and hands of the Father.
That place where He cleansed and delivered.
That place where He restored my value and opened my eyes to see it too.
That place where He renew my mind and kept me for 10years until He presented me to the man he predestined for me, my husband.
For 10years, because of the Father, I was able to remain untouched, unopened and beautifully wrapped. We married and off we went, happy and satisfied.
No matter our state. God can restore, replenish and deliver us. He can restore our value and worth and deliver us back to our rightful place in Him. I am not telling you what I heard, I'm telling you what I know. I have experienced it first hand.
You are valuable and priceless. You can't be bought. You are not for re-sale. You have already been bought with a price on the Cross. Only the Master has the key to unlock the cabinet to present you to the man He intends for you to marry. Wait patiently behind the see through glass and he will keep you safe and untouched.
So, trust me when I say, we don't have to be testers. We must see ourselves the way He sees us. If not, we will remain perfumes, being tested and sampled by every Tom, Dick and Harry.
You are valued, valuable and priceless in the eyes of our maker. Today, I challenge you to see and believe the same thing. You are Divinely Designed by God himself.
Now, go live like it with your perfume smelling self, smile.
Have a blessed and purposeful day,
Romans 12:1-2
We must present our bodies, a living sacrifice holy, acceptable, unto to God which is our reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
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