Law of Attraction and God
More often then not, we find ourselves at a stand still, knowing it's got to be more to life, as if we are not progressing in the things of God. However, we must remember, during these times in our lives we must stay in prayer and stay connected to God, and when He answers, we have to be very careful, because even the answer could get us into a lot of trouble. In this video Law of Attraction and God
I shared with you how God protected me from going in the wrong direction due to the answer He provided. Go figure, How in the world could someone get in trouble with God's blessing? Keep reading...
My husband and I have been praying about how we are raising our child, finances, where we are in life, and where we are going. We were feeling like we were at a stand still and stagnant. God started answering our prayers using videos regarding the Law of Attraction. I had never really heard about the LOA and what it all entails. When I shared this information with my husband, Vito, he knew how to take the information, receive it and give it to God. I continued to study and dig deeper, because God was showing me the "How", the "How" to operate in my faith on a different level. We have to understand, the LOA isn't a new thing. There's nothing new under the sun. The Law of Attraction wasn't just created by man but has been around since the beginning of time. The world has just given it another name, but as believers we know it as "FAITH". Don't get it twisted, the LOA is a universal law just like Faith and it is available to everybody, however, if used incorrectly it could cause damage, to our spirit, soul, family, and ultimately our relationship with God. God revealed to me in the whole research process if I am not careful, the answer to my prayers can become my god. He was just showing me that the principals of LOA and how they can be used as a tool to activate my faith on another level in order to see the manifestations unveiled in my life, but not to be substituted for God, but to give glory to God, not God's creations.
When I say God was using the LOA principles to show me the HOW, I am talking about the practical principals for manifesting what God has for me, which the LOA practices, which technically, is what scriptures has taught us for years. For example, think positive, (whatsoever a man think, so is he), write down what you want, use vision boards (write the vision make it plan), change the way you speak, be mindful of the words you are speaking into existence, (Life and death is in the power of the tongue).However, at the end of the day, we must not forget to put all of our faith in the Holy Spirit. He will not let us go astray with the answers and/or blessings in our life, We must hold on to God and allow Him to lead and guide us into all truth, even when it comes from a resource that God sends to confirm.
This confirmation isn't just applied to the LOA, it's also applied to every blessing we receive from God. Even in our blessings, we are still in need of God's protection. It is not for us to make the blessings our "god" and forget about the God who created the blessings. God created the heavens and the earth. He created science. So, why put our faith in the universe, when we are to put our faith in the God of the universe.
This encounter was an eye opening experience. It's was a reminder that temptations are everywhere, in everything and without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are living dangerously. It's scary to even think about living life without the Holy Spirit. We can never take for granted that we have arrived, even if we think our relationship with God is solid. Unfortunately, even the best of them can be deceived, yes even the elect. Therefore, whatever you are asking for, rather it's a husband, wife, new house, new car, new job, promotion, children, etc... make sure it doesn't replace God. When God blesses, it adds no sorrow and it's sole purpose is to glorify Him not ourselves or the blessings. The only way to avoid the temptation is to give it back to God. Remember, God is the Creator and we are the managers.
P.S. Your Life is a Process; Embrace it, Love it, Trust it...Now Be You and Keep it "Movin"
Yours Truly,
Yours Truly,
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