Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Is The Bible The Word Of God or NOT???

We have been taught that the bible is the Word of God, but what if I told you that statement is false? What if I told you the bible has no power? What if I told you the bible has become the "church's" idol? What if I told you the bible is not anointed? Would you scream Blasphemy!!! and cast me into the pit of H-E double-hockey sticks...Well, first, before you condemn, judge and cast me away, please listen to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth through the Holy Spirit.
You just may reconsider.

God, through the Holy Spirit has shown my husband and I the truth pertaining to the bible. He revealed to us that the bible is NOT the Word of God. Trust me, when I received the revelation of this truth, at first, I was as shocked as you were, amazed and in total disbelief all at the same time. When you have live your entire life believing a lie, believing the bible had power because it was the Word of God and then finally, getting a revelation from our Father in heaven, it can be quite emotional. You don't know if you want to laugh, cry, or throw something out of frustration and anger.
Now, my husband on the other hand, was extremely excited.  I know how crazy this may sound but It's the truth. He was in total belief, He didn't have a problem emotionally believing the first. He took it like a champ.

I bet you are asking, how in the world do we know it's the truth, well, thank you for asking. The long and short of it, God, through the Holy Spirit has confirmed this truth by leading us to study different resources, including the "bible", now go figure that.

One very profound revelation God told my husband was this: "The bible is NOT the Word of God, but the Word of God IS in the bible..." John 1: 1-14, now chew on that for a minute...yes, SELAH.  Unfortunately, many will not understand this simplistic statement due to deep, generational embedded religion.  I don't care how simple it is, many would still be unable to comprehend and no one would be able to convince them otherwise. However, fortunately, since you are reading this post, I think it is safe to assume you are looking for truth, and/or you are looking for confirmation of the truth through the Holy Spirit. You may be wondering if you are crazy or if something is really wrong with you and/or your relationship with God. Well, my dear, I am hear to tell you, NO, you are far from crazy and your relationship with God is still in tact but has definitely gone to another level. You are exactly where God wants you to be. Remember, they thought Jesus was crazy too because He was so unorthodox and extremely non-traditional. Some may even say He was known for going against the grain. "Narrow is truly the way" and there's nothing wrong with that, Matthew 7:13-14.

Are we discrediting the bible, absolutely NOT!!! However, God has taught us how to use the bible properly and He has taught us how to not depend on it for guidance but only for confirmation.  We now depend solely on our Father through the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us into all truth, and to tell us what we don't know and what is yet to come, John 16:13; 14:26.

If you really pray and think about it for a minute you will see why the Holy Spirit revealed this awesomeness. The entire bible can't be the Word of God, because there are many who are speaking in the bible who is not speaking the words of our Father. Are there people in the bible who are speaking inspired words of Christ, absolutely, but an inspired word is not the same as the Word of God. Are there people who sharing their opinions, stories, personal experiences with Christ, Yep, but again this not the Word of God. However, we will find exact quotes from our Father and therefore, my dear, that IS the Word of God. We will also find prophets and disciples quoting the Word of God verbatim, and yes that too, can be considered the Word of God. Not to mention, satan speaks in the bible as well, and we know this isn't the Word of God. There are pagan heathens speaking, religious leaders speaking and so many more that are speaking, and yet it wasn't the Word of God. So, to say the entire bible is the Word of God, is insane and completely false.

To listen in detail of our revelation on this topic check out this video of my husband and I sharing our testimony on how the Holy Spirit revealed this revelation to us and the examples He gave us to share.

We really pray that you have or will grab a hold of this truth through the Holy Spirit, even if it's not the norm and even if it goes against tradition and religion. God wants us to depend solely on Him and not on traditions, religions, people, "church buildings, rituals, religious leaders, and yes even the bible.

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