Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Are you "DOING" Too Much: Mary or Martha?

Luke 10:38-42
 Late, one night while everyone was sleep and the house was peacefully quiet, I went to the kitchen table and decided to write in my prayer journal. For some strange reason I pray more in depth when I am actually "writing" to God, go figure. As I started writing I began to repent specifically for not spending more time in His presence like I know I should. I asked God to forgive me for not using my time wisely, and for not communing with Him more.  He then brought something to my attention, and to my surprise, I had been operating in the spirit of Martha for years and didn't even realize it. My heart dropped, shaking my head in disbelief, I told Him, I don't want to become a full-time Martha, and neglect my Mary responsibilities.

I got so easily caught up in the things of God and what I thought I should be doing that I was actually missing out on what I was suppose to be doing; sitting and listening. BLASPHAMY!!! I know. I know. How in the world can we serve God by sitting and listening!!!
Just keep reading...

I realized I wasn't necessarily distracted with the things of this world, although  that can be an issue too for so many, but I must admit I was distracted in the very thing I thought was most important and pleasing to God and that was "serving" Him. I was so busy serving God that I wasn't paying  attention to God. 

Our instructions, wisdom, knowledge and understandings comes from sitting and listening to the Father. We need daily life instructions and without God's direction and wisdom we will find ourselves lost, frustrated, going here and there and every where; from pillow to post, trying to figure out life, when God is waiting for us to come to Him. There's no need to go from pillow to post, doing this and that, when the answers are at his feet, but we won't sit still
long enough to receive from Him.

Have you every seen, worked or actually served with someone who was awesome at what they did, but mean as H-E-double hockey sticks, just a jacked up attitude? They never smiled, almost as if someone paste a 24/7 frown on their face, always found something to complain about, never happy, short tempered and snappy? You ask yourself, if they are so unhappy why in the world are they doing it. Who put a gun to their head and made them do what they are doing?

Why the frustration?

Just like Martha, no one told her to do all that she felt she "needed" to do FOR God... She put more on herself than required. She put more on her plate than she could swallow, again for the sake of "serving" God. She said "yes" when she should've asked God, first. How many of us have ever been guilty of that? Well, I will be the first to raise my hands.

Martha opened her home up to the Lord. She had the spirit of hospitality. She wanted to make sure everything was just perfect, just right, just for Him.. Martha wasn't a bad person for wanting to make sure the Lord's visit was a success. Martha loved the Lord and wanted the best for Him. Martha had good intentions, unfortunately,

GOOD intentions doesn't always mean GOD

The problem with Martha and her intentions was that:

Martha allowed the distractions of SERVING, keep her from being SERVED...

Oftentimes, we are so busy being a blessing, that we don't know how to position ourselves to be blessed.

Don't get me wrong, we all know that we can't just sit and listen forever and not get anything done. That is NOT what I am saying. I'm saying in order to be productive and effective in what God has called us to do, we must first find out what He wants us to do, instead of doing what we think we should be doing.

Therefore, I prayed to God that He would help me get back on track and focus more on what's truly important. I know whenever I leave the presence of God I will be equipped to do what He has instructed me to do. Nothing more, Nothing less.

When we have clear instructions from God, we will be more conscious as to what extra we take on ourselves. It's one thing to be busy doing what God has told us to do, then busy doing what we feel we should be doing.. didn't I say this already,, I guess it was worth repeating.

God desires a Martha with a Mary spirit....
It's just like driving a car, you can't keep driving forever and a day without refueling and expect the car to just run on fumes. It doesn't work that way. Eventually, you will run out of gas and what happens when you run out of gas, Exactly,BROKE DOWN!!! So many Christians are right now, BROKE DOWN!!! They are in need of some serious refueling. For the most part, they need to listen for their next assignment.

God may want to move us to our next duty station(on our jobs, in ministry, in school, in business, just in life period).

Maybe the season where we are right now has come to an end, but knowing this only comes by sitting and listening to Him.  Maybe He just want to give us a fresh new anointing to do what we are currently doing, so we can operate in the spirit and not the flesh and being frustrated and upset with yourself and everybody else around you..(a typical Martha)

You noticed Martha wasn't just upset because she was doing too much, but she was mad because she felt Mary should've been helping her. She felt Mary was being lazy and should have been doing more all because she wasn't doing what she felt she should've been doing.

Case and point, when we are working in the flesh without consulting God on a daily basis, It's mighty hard to stay in our lane. That's when people start minding other people's business instead of attending their own. Therefore, if we are busy doing what's pleasing to God, we won't have time worrying about what others are doing. I'm just saying...
What if, Martha would have asked God, "What would you have for me to do, Lord," I truly believe, instant liberation would've occurred in her life and situation. Maybe all He wanted at that time was for Her to let Him in, and for her to sit and commune with Him. That would have freed her and given her so much peace to know all He wanted was to spend a little time pouring into her. I guarantee she wouldn't have been frustrated or mad with her sister. Why, Because she would have been doing exactly what Mary was doing, "BEING" in His presence also.

 What if God just want us to "DO" less, and "REST" more?
I know the words "Do Less" and "Rest" is like a curse word to so many people. Or you feel guilty if you are not on post DOING,,, But, we must learn to be free to serve. Serving should never be out of obligation or duty. Serving shouldn't be dreadful or unpleasant. God wants a joyful and willing vessel, but most importantly, He wants an obedient vessel. Again, Good intentions are not always God intentions. Liberation and joy comes out of obedience; Doing what God has told us to do, despite the naysayers. Who cares what they think or say. I spent years worrying about what people think about me. Thank God I am so over it. They can think or say whatever they wish.
As long as we are being obedient to God, He will take care of the naysayers for us. It's not our responsibility to convince or convey to anyone what God has told us while we were at His feet. So let's get busy...

 BEING a Martha with a Mary Spirit...
So, as you can see, both Martha and Mary are so needed in the body. Without the spirit of Mary, Martha will drive yourself insane and bound by duties.
Taking the time to spend time with our Father is so beneficial and vital to serving Him effectively.
Benefits at HIS feet:
  1. Refreshing
  2. Renewing
  3. Replenishing
  4. Receiving: Wisdom/Knowledge/Understanding/Instruction/Direction
  5. Peace/Joy
  6. Anointing
  7. Sense of agape love, affection and acceptance
    I can literally go on an on, listing the numerous benefits that comes with sitting at his feet.

     So, if you find yourself, frustrated, tired, worn out, going from place to place, doing this and that, maybe you have neglected the most important thing. Find rest in Him. Have an open ear to hear and the will to obey. Receive all your benefits. Make sure you consult God daily. Get into His presence and get all that you need from Him, to do what He needs for you to do.

    NOTE: Busy doing is different from being productive... Mary was busy being productive, while Martha was just busy being busy..where's the blessing in that? The lessons are not just in the doing and the serving, but in the sitting and listening. It's in the REST.

    Who Are You?
    You are a Martha with a Mary Spirit. Now go about "BEING" about your Father's Business...and "DOING" what He would have for you to do. It is that Liberation or what?

    Let me know what you think in the comments below. Share your thoughts and discuss with others. Don't forget to share with others. Click on the Facebook, google+ and other social media link you are connected too, below...

    Thank you for reading and joining me here at TPL😘😘😘

    Have a Blessed and Purposeful Day,

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